For most of us, moles are normal and natural growths on the body. Moles form when the body produces skin cells in an irregular growth pattern. Instead of being evenly distributed across the skin, the skin cells form into growths, and since these particular cells are responsible for skin color, moles are typically a different shade than the rest of your skin. In many cases, moles can be completely benign and non-harmful to the rest of your body. However, here are a few reasons why you will want to pay close attention to your moles:
Moles Could Be Cancerous
One of the most important reasons you should pay attention to your moles is that some moles can be melanoma, a quickly-spreading type of skin cancer. Melanoma can be treated if it is caught early-on, which is why it is a good idea to regularly check your body for moles and pay attention to their size and shape. Do a self-examination once a month to keep yourself up-to-date on any new developments on your skin. This is especially important to do if someone in your family has had melanoma, or if you notice any new moles beginning to grow.
If you do notice anything on your body that looks abnormal, schedule a consultation with Dr. Hopkins.
Moles Can Cause Aesthetic Concerns
Although not life-threatening, moles can also pose aesthetic problems, depending on their location. Moles on areas like the face, neck or back can feel especially inconvenient and may cause patients to desire a removal.
Dr. Hopkins Can Help
If you have noticed new or growing moles on your body, you should not let them go untreated. Dr. Hopkins and the team at Hopkins Dermatology is skilled in mole removal and mole examinations. Especially if you believe your mole could be a sign of skin cancer, it is important to have your moles examined by a board certified dermatologist who has experience in determining the seriousness of the mole and will work with you to develop the best plan for your needs.
So, if you live in Northeast Louisiana and have questions about what we can do for you, we are here to help. Simply contact us today to get started.